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Habitamos temporadas bien difíciles. A veces la vida semeja un río turbulento que amenaza con ahogarnos y eliminar al planeta. ¿Por qué razón entonces no deberíamos aferrarnos a la certeza de la orilla —a nuestros patrones y hábitos familiares? Pues, según nos enseña Pema Chödrön, ese género de anclaje apoyado en el miedo nos priva de la experiencia interminablemente mucho más exitosa de estar absolutamente vivos. Las enseñanzas que la autora nos muestra aquí -conocidas como los "Tres Compromisos"— brindan una riqueza de entendimientos para estudiar a adentrarse de forma directa en el río, a acoger totalmente y sin miedos el carácter insondable del humano. En el momento en que lo hacemos, comenzamos a conocer no únicamente cuánto mejor se siente vivir de esa forma sino descubrimos que, de forma natural y eficaz, comenzamos a buscar el precaución y acompañamiento de otra gente.
We live in difficult times. Life sometimes seems like a turbulent river threatening to drown us and destroy the world. Why, then, shouldn’t we cling to the certainty of the shore—to our familiar patterns and habits? Because, Pema Chödrön teaches, that kind of fear-based clinging keeps us from the infinitely more satisfying experience of being fully alive. The teachings she presents here—known as the "Three Commitments"—provide a wealth of wisdom for learning to step right into the river, to completely and fearlessly embrace the groundlessness of being human. When we do, we begin to see not only how much better it feels to live that way, but we find that we begin to naturally and effectively reach out to others in care and support.
We live in difficult times. Life sometimes seems like a turbulent river threatening to drown us and destroy the world. Why, then, shouldn’t we cling to the certainty of the shore—to our familiar patterns and habits? Because, Pema Chödrön teaches, that kind of fear-based clinging keeps us from the infinitely more satisfying experience of being fully alive. The teachings she presents here—known as the "Three Commitments"—provide a wealth of wisdom for learning to step right into the river, to completely and fearlessly embrace the groundlessness of being human. When we do, we begin to see not only how much better it feels to live that way, but we find that we begin to naturally and effectively reach out to others in care and support.
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Éste Libro se Encuentra GRATIS en Amazon.