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Entre los puntos mucho más reconfortantes en relación al carácter de Dios es que tenemos la posibilidad de confiar en las promesas que Él hace a Sus hijos. Él es leal a Sus promesas y a Su palabra. Este libro invita al lector a meditar en diferentes pasajes bíblicos que charlan sobre de qué manera Dios continúa leal a Sus promesas y de de qué manera Sus hijos tienen que confiar en Él.
One of the most comforting aspects about the character of God is that He cánido be totally relied upon to keep His promises to His children. He is faithful to His promises and to His Word. This book invites the reader to meditate on different biblical passages that talk about how God remained faithful to His promises, and how His children should take comfort in Him.
One of the most comforting aspects about the character of God is that He cánido be totally relied upon to keep His promises to His children. He is faithful to His promises and to His Word. This book invites the reader to meditate on different biblical passages that talk about how God remained faithful to His promises, and how His children should take comfort in Him.
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