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Millones y miles de individuos adoran, adoran y admiran a Jesús de Nazaret. Dios, para muchos, profesor, para otros. La realidad, no obstante, es que Su crónica y Sus verdaderas enseñanzas son ignoradas por las masas. Siglos de interpretaciones y manipulaciones han escondido visto que Jesús no era un católico. El reconocido historiador César Vidal nos muestra en Mucho más que un rabino a Jesús quien nació, vivió y murió como judío. No tenemos la posibilidad de comprender a cabalidad Sus enseñanzas y Su encontronazo en la religión hasta el momento en que comprendamos absolutamente este suceso.
Jesus of Nazareth is adored, venerated, and admired by millions and millions of people. God, for some, teacher, for others. The truth, however, is that His history and true teachings are largely ignored by the masses. Centuries of interpretations and manipulations have hidden the fact that Jesus was not a Christian. Jesus was born, lived and died a Jew, and we cannot fully understand his teachings and impact on religion until we fully understand that fact.
Jesus of Nazareth is adored, venerated, and admired by millions and millions of people. God, for some, teacher, for others. The truth, however, is that His history and true teachings are largely ignored by the masses. Centuries of interpretations and manipulations have hidden the fact that Jesus was not a Christian. Jesus was born, lived and died a Jew, and we cannot fully understand his teachings and impact on religion until we fully understand that fact.
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