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Disciplinas espirituales para la vida cristiana le guiará mediante una pluralidad de disciplinas esmeradamente escogidas. Este libro ilustra por qué razón las disciplinas importan, exhibe de qué manera cada una contribuye a medrar en santidad, proporciona recomendaciones prácticas para cultivarlas y da una ocasión de desarrollo y madurez que asiste para conformar el carácter del católico para ser mucho más como Cristo. Esta Edición Aniversario incluye discusiones en hondura sobre todas las disciplinas claves, con el objetivo de equipar y hacer mas fuerte esta novedosa generación de leyentes.
Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life will guide you through a carefully selected array of disciplines. By illustrating why the disciplines are important, showing how each one will help you grow in godliness, and offering practical suggestions for cultivating them, this book will provide you with a refreshing opportunity to become more like Christ and grow in character and maturity. This anniversary edition features in-depth discussions on each of the key disciplines, in order to equip a new generation of readers.
Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life will guide you through a carefully selected array of disciplines. By illustrating why the disciplines are important, showing how each one will help you grow in godliness, and offering practical suggestions for cultivating them, this book will provide you with a refreshing opportunity to become more like Christ and grow in character and maturity. This anniversary edition features in-depth discussions on each of the key disciplines, in order to equip a new generation of readers.
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